Good afternoon from a weary but elated Mrs. Fish/ Nanny Fish/ Mum etc etc.
Yes, today was the day that Jack and I upped our game and took on the challenge of The Jigsaw 10k run. We both stayed in last night...not unusual for me but a rare event for Jack on a Saturday night, especially just after pay day....and woke refreshed and ready for the event. Well, I woke countless times in the night, worried that I was going to take too long to finish, as I had to be back to work for 2pm. Pressure indeed. Jack nonchalantly wandered downstairs later than we had agreed, didn't have any breakfast, put on his new trainers (courtesy of Grandad Fisher) and we set off for Dunsfold.
New trainers!
The race was taking place at Dunsfold aerodrome where the BBC film Top Gear. As usual, we got there early and spent a lot of time sitting about but soon it was time to gather at the start. There was a problem with the speaker system so no-one had a clue what the starter was trying to tell us but we did all hear the '3-2-1 Go!' instruction and that was the last I saw of Jack until after the race.
My plans to walk the whole event were scuppered when I realised that I was going to be the only entrant who was walking. I was very soon at the back of the group and I found that I really, really didn't like it. I thought about it for a moment and then, of course, I broke into a very slow trot. Nothing more, nothing less. I felt like a naughty girl. I was going against everything I knew that was sensible and against everything I had been told but it felt good!
We had to complete two circuits of the track to reach 10 k and it was quite fun. It made a change to trot/walk on a flat surface and the weather was good. No rain, no frost, no sun.
Once the runners had all passed me by, I settled in with a couple of other ladies who were running at a very gentle pace and who were running the race as training for bigger events in the New Year. I walked a bit then trotted to catch them up and then walked again. That strategy seemed to work for me and the first circuit was completed in about 35 minutes I think which I was very impressed with. Obviously, the second lap was more of a challenge and it's always disheartening to be lapped by people about to finish the race! However, eventually the finish line was in sight and I managed to haul myself over it! My time, according to my trusty Nike app, was 1 hour 14 minutes. Go me!!
I got my medal but no goody bag. It had taken me so long to finish that all of the bags had long gone but the medal was what was important.
Back in the car, Jack was waiting patiently for me. He had managed to finish in about 48 minutes. He DID get a goody bag but it seems that I didn't miss out on much apart from a chocolate bar. He thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of running further. He said that his shoulders and upper arms ached which is probably down to his running style but otherwise he was fine. My knee held up pretty well. My right hip hurt....a lot! When we got home I took painkillers, had a cuppa and a bath and then went to work.
Mum, son and dog!
Now, this weeks sees several poignant anniversaries. Dec 2nd is the anniversary of my Mum's death, Dec 5th is the first anniversary of Grandma's passing and Dec 6th is the first anniversary for Jonathan too. Dec 6th would have been Mum's 74th birthday. Many memories will be stirred this week, some happy and some sad. On my trip around Dunsfold this morning I saw a white feather. My sister always says that a white feather is a sure sign that Mum is watching over us. I had a smile when I saw it. I thought of Mum, I thought of Grandma and I thought of Jonathan.......and I ran just a little bit faster....for them.
Byesy bye (as Dad used to say).
Have a great week everyone.
A xxx